“It’s my dream to fly!” - Krishnajung KC

  • Admin
  • Dec 1, 2017


“I am going to fulfill my dream to fly in the sky. I am very excited to learn paragliding. I flew more times with worldwide reputed Pilot Sano Babu Sir. But today I got the chance to learn paragliding with him. It’s a very unforgettable memory in my life!” said Mr. Krishnajung KC. He expressed his feelings during the first introductory class at The Babu Adventures International School.

Krishnajung KC, one of our students for the paragliding beginners course, shares his story how he got involved in paragliding. He is the owner of The Roadside Café, which is very famous internationally due to his organic coffee. Besides that he is the owner of The Roadside Paragliding Pvt. Ltd. Too. 

“Before I worked in London, but I didn’t feel satisfied in my life. After I read the book SOCH (Think) of author Karna Shakya I saw potential ability to grow a tourism business in Nepal. That’s why I came back to my country.”

He told us that when he met Sano Babu Sunuwar, he got influenced by his way of thinking. He became a great fan of Babu and he followed him side by side to gain ideas to promote his Syangja district, especially through Paragliding.

“The Paragliding beginners course is not easy and I understand why it’s not easy to become a paragliding pilot. Even though it’s very hard, I am fully enjoying this opportunity and each and every task” Krishnajung KC expressed on the 3rd day of his training.

Krishnajung KC has shown to be a great motivator for the young teenage youth in the Syangja district. He always loves to work and is encouraging the youth to stay living in their own place.

The last thing Krishnajung KC wanted to share with us, was the following: “I am very happy to learn paragliding from the world wide reputed instructor, as well as that I was very happy to have the highly reputed world cyclist adventurer Mr. Puskar Shah as my classmate.”

We were very pleased to have Krishnajung KC joining our paragliding beginners course.
